Monday, December 7, 2009

It's an article written by someone - I don't know him fully.

DT: 9th Oct, 2005.

“The fear of failure is the only thing standing between most people and their dreams”

I want to tell you something before you read this. ‘Bravery is the most promising source of reward’. If you are told to chase your dreams then do it. People may forget you but time will always remember and you’ll be definitely be paid for your good deeds someday somewhere and you’ll be the happiest of all. This may be a part of several people’s life and this may be a little hurting since it’s the truth of many lives but have faith in Time and God since they are there to take care of all, its their job.
Yes, the fear of failure is the most common disease in this world. It is not transferred by any virus nor does it come through any poisonous bite. It is just created within yourself by you.
I fear to follow my dreams, just because the fear of failure makes me look at all the difficulties I’ll face if I fail. But actually I don’t fear failure in exams but fear that how will people look at me if I fail to attain a certificate. They will say that I have wasted all the money gathered by my parents (Yes, money is the factor they look into very much). If you don’t earn good money then you are nothing. If you can earn money then why to go after dreams and take risks. But they are right too because it is the money that ultimately matters to earn you bread and not your dreams. But aren’t your dreams your life too? Is it only bread that you live for? The question is that, are your dreams really worth risking the safe side of ‘do job and earn money’? Is the money more important than the knowledge and experience of your dreams? What to choose? Either, hell with your dreams and start doing what you didn’t like to earn money i.e., compromise dreams for the safe side? Or run after your dreams and see what happens, whether you fail or pass? It is these fears that make you take the path other than your dreams. This is because nowadays people are judged better by their certificates. The person is interviewed only if he has got diplomas and degrees. The diplomas, degrees and certificates are the eligibility criteria and not the abilities. Of course they argue that a person’s ability is shown in the diplomas and certificates. But isn’t this injustice to those persons who wish to gain more knowledge and wisdom but doesn’t have any support, whether financial or any thing. I know this is a very debatable topic. We talk about the fear of failures and this is what the people most fear. What if they fail and don’t have the certificates? They fear that they won’t get any jobs, and they will have to run here and there in search of at least something to fill their stomach. The future is what people are afraid of.
But I don’t fear failure. I don’t care what the world says. Yet I fear to chase my dreams. Why? This is something I’m not able to explain very clearly. But it is linked to the fear of failure. I know that chasing my dreams will give me a lot of knowledge I crave; and more even the precious experience of success within myself. I know these are priceless. But somehow your dreams not only include your life but some of others around you too. You can sit without a degree with the knowledge and experience but can your near ones who are related to you? Nobody knows how hard it is to face your destiny because few have chosen to face it. People haven’t failed because they haven’t chased their dreams at all. Majority have chosen to be on the safe side and take no risks. But does it mean that you pass if you don’t chase your dreams? The problem is that I don’t want to be among those ‘compromising adults’ who always say that “we had to since we have little, there is no other road”, the truth is you do have roads but they are not visible to your negative eyes. Sometimes I feel that the positive eyes are more held by the blind people. But I also fear to chase my dreams. And I tell you that nobody can solve this question but yourself. And it is difficult. You just don’t want to accept what safe side has offered you because you crave for something else. But you also just can’t go after your dreams without considering the risks. If you fail, you may be proud of yourself, but people will measure your success only in terms of certificates or the handsome money you will have. There are very few who measure you on the basis of what you are and not in certificates or diplomas. But those are few and we are many. Those few can’t take care of all the efficient.
Your parents might encourage you to follow your dreams but you have to understand and think about them first before yourself. Since dreams are not the only part of your life. And mind you, those are the greatest parents in the whole world who encourage you to go ahead without thinking of them and my Hats Off to those rare and precious, even more precious than diamonds. But this is you fear you know. How can you let them down? If I fail, it will not matter to me, since I will have the knowledge and the experience, but I just can’t waste time and money to gain the failure experience. It’s true that failure is essential to life for expansion and self-realization of your purpose in this world, but isn’t just the thought of failure enough. How can you risk what your parents have gathered all their life? I know they have gathered just for you to grow more successful. But this is the risk you know. The carrying of hopes on your shoulders is heavier than an elephant on your back. And I feel you are not only risking your life but the life of others around you too.
But let’s say if don’t think negative. Thinking positive always helps. If I fail, a lot of things will happen but wouldn’t my parents be happy. At least they will be the ones who know that my child is not afraid but brave and bold enough to face the challenges. It means he has respected the value of life. Whether he has the certificates or not but he has surely overcome the fear, ‘the fear of failure’. Life continues whether pass or fail, it only ends when you stop, and you stop only when you die my friend. And looking at the positive side there is no failure at all, following your dreams is the first step of success itself and when I Pass and achieve my destiny then wouldn’t I be an icon for my generation! After all, as I said, it’s not only my life. It’s my future life too. If I be a success then it will become a lot easier to face further problems then to face them with failure. In any case, either success of failure, I will have to face the problems of my future. And being brave to take up your dreams will help you in future, regardless of your failure, to solve your problems more easily. And if I succeed then also I can solve my problems easily. Failure is not the end of the world but the start to improve your world further. Because once you pass, you stop. That is why those who pass are given further challenges so that they get moving on & on. You can never avoid problems; they just keep coming after you. You cannot have a life of easiness & comfort, but you can make one. By simply solving your problems you will lead a successful life. Yes, this is where the success lies. Not in your certificates or degrees but in your ‘solutions’ for the problems. Taking up your dreams is not an easy task, but it’s not even the impossible. Success and Happiness are not destinations, but they are a journey. They are paths towards achieving your goal, your aim. We all know there is only one destiny after all, Death. How much you have lived doesn’t matter but How have you lived is what matters. Life is lived big, not long my friend.
Hey don’t get serious man! This is life you know. I said it in the start. ‘Bravery is the most promising source of reward’. You know you have done well in life and that is what matters. Also your loved ones are there to see you smile on your success within. The biggest gift you can give to them is the satisfaction that ‘he has worked honestly and hard whether he has those certificates or not’. They will definitely say that you stand out among those other zillions. Good luck and my best wishes to all of those who follow their dreams and to even those who don’t since they have reasons. And remember luck starts after you give your 100%, and may you go on giving 100% all your life.

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